WHO reported that almost twenty percent of adolescent around the world suffers from psychological issue. The reported prevalence of mental issues ranges from 1-to-25 percent across different states. Due to changes in lifestyle, both parents have to work to fulfill the needs of the children growing in metropolitan cities. This study attempts to understand mental issues among the adolescents of the dual-earners. A self-administered questionnaire was developed to assess the lifestyle, and psychological wellbeing of the adolescents aged 15-19 years studying in the colleges of Delhi and Mumbai University. GHQ-12 was used to analyses the Psychological issues among the students. Total of 447 adolescent fulfilling the selection criteria, completed the questionnaire. The Results show that 22% in Mumbai and 27% in Delhi are suffering from Anxiety and Depression while almost one-fourth have Social Dysfunction in both cities. Adolescent with lower socio-economic status is suffering from multiple forms of mental health issues. Odds of psychological-wellbeing are less among adolescents who are studying in either Arts or Commerce field as compare to science students. Adolescents who have ever smoked, chew tobacco and drink alcohol have shown the significant higher symptoms of Anxiety and Depression. Anxiety & Depression and Loss of confidence is higher among the adolescent who spend less than two hours with their father either on weekdays or weekends and whose father drinks alcohol or smokes. The Permissive and authoritative/flexible parents have positive impact over their children psychological wellbeing. The study reflects the growing mental-health issues among adolescents due to varying factors and points the need of psychological counsellor for parent-child duo.