Ekatrika Ghosh and Dr. Papia Mukherjee
The present study focuses on the effect of personality traits and loneliness on the video game addiction among adolescents. The participants (N= 100) were between the age of 13-19 years and selected from urban area by using Snowball sampling method. Socio demographics along with NEO Five Factor Inventory for personality, UCLA Loneliness Scale and The Gaming Addiction Scale were used to collect data. Descriptive Statistics, ANOVA and Pearson’s correlation were done for statistical analysis of the data. From ANOVA table, it has been found that there is a statistically significance between high and low video game addiction and loneliness, moderate and low video game addiction and neuroticism, high video game addiction and openness and low video game addiction and conscientiousness. It was found from the result table that high video game addiction was significantly correlated with loneliness, neuroticism (Personality) and openness (personality) and low video game addiction had a significant correlation with consciousness (personality). From the pearson’s R table it was found that high gaming addiction and loneliness had a significant correlation on the other hand low video game addiction and loneliness also had a significant correlation. It was also found that medium video game addiction and neuroticism had a significant correlation. It was also found that high video game addiction and openness had a significant correlation and conscientiousness and low video game addiction had a significant correlation.
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