Juventina Ngjela, Fatjon Hajdari, Shpresarda Sula, Sonila Shamku, Sonja Brahaj, Dr. Natalja Qana, Jonida Hyka and Elpiniqi Merkuri
Bullying in schools is a major problem encountered throughout the world, is considered one of the most frequent antisocial behaviors among children and teenagers.
Defined as a deliberate recurrence of negative physical, verbal, or relational actions with the purpose of disturbing other children, bullying is becoming a public health problem. According to UNICEF data, bullying causes a loss of safety, a decrease in academic performance, as well as damage to physical or mental health.
This study aims to carry out an analysis of the prevalence of bullying in secondary schools in the city of Tirana by analyzing the problems, consequences and reactions faced by the people affected by this phenomenon.
Findings of this study were evidence that the phenomenon of bullying is very present among students. 65.3% specified that people who have been or are being bullied need continuous support and services from responsible and specialized people to treat affected individuals. The lack of in-depth knowledge makes the teachers unarmed in front of this phenomenon.
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